i used lucene-2.4.0 to get tf-idf. i'm not sure if the newer versions have
direct methods to get tf-idfs as well.
this is lengthy but might help.
// Get Term Enum that contains all the terms in the index using
TermEnum e = freader.terms();
// find total number of docs
int noOfDocs = freader.numDocs();
// Get TermDocs Enum
TermDocs td = freader.termDocs();
// seeking through all the terms
// get the term
Term t = e.term();
// only search the contents field
Term term = new Term("contents",t.text());
// Move to the <document, frequency> pairs for term from the TermDocs
Enum containing the term t
// loop through each document containing the term.
while(td.next()) {
double weight = td.freq()*Math.log(noOfDocs/e.
// do something with the weight